
  • Did you know that you vacate or remove a criminal conviction so it does not appear on background checks?
  • Court fines/legal financial obligations (LFOs), including restitution, hurting your bank account?
  • Did you know that there are occupational or working licensing exceptions available for individuals with a felony conviction?

If you have been convicted as an adult or juvenile, you may be eligible to remove a conviction from your record and/or reduce the amount you pay monthly to the court in fines/LFOs.

Lauber Law Group is here to answer questions you have about criminal convictions you or a loved one may have and what options are available. For many years, there was little a person could do to remove a criminal conviction or reduce the financial impact of court fines. The law now allows a person to come back after a case is completed to ask for relief in erasing the direct and collateral consequences of a criminal conviction. This includes some felony and misdemeanor convictions . The law also allows for a Certificate of Restoration of Opportunity or CROP to allow you to obtain necessary specialized licensing for your job.

Questions on how to vacate, expungement, or seal a criminal case? Want to know more about reducing your LFO payment or even eliminating it? Call Lauber Law Group today to schedule a free consultation appointment with an experienced attorney at 425-312-7956 to learn what the law can do for you.

Click here to schedule a free consultation today.